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Identification and details of the person responsible: Conversas de Alpendre, Alojamento Turístico SA with headquarters at Estrada de Santa Rita, 36 Vila Nova de Cacela NIF 509294880 and with Tourist Accommodation License number 3805. Privacy and personal data policy: applicable to users of this hotel business when making a reservation.Data controller (us): the hotel business that will provide you, the user, with the requested service. Our identification and contact details are available on the website you used to make your reservation / to ask us your questions. They will also appear on the invoice we will provide to you after we have received your payment.

Data Compliance Officer: does not apply to the activities of data controllers.User: you, who filled out the reservation form or any other documentation related to it.

Purpose: The purpose of processing the data provided through this form is to manage the reservations made by you, the user and/or respond to the questions/requests you have made.Legal basis: the need to perform our contract with you, the user / the need to take steps at your request before entering a contract. Or the user's consent, checking the box that accepts the Terms and Conditions of which this Privacy and Personal Data Policy is an integral part.

Duration: We will store the data provided by you, the user, for as long as necessary to manage the reservation you made, as well as the accommodation services you requested. Once management is complete, your data will be saved for six (6) months. If you agree to receive information about our commercial activities, your data will be stored until you revoke your consent.Processor: We hire our partner RoomRaccoonB.V. (www.roomraccoon.pt) to manage the booking engine for our business. RoomRaccoon acts under our authority and we have entered into a contract with RoomRaccoon to provide its services. We instruct RoomRaccoon in writing on how the processing should be carried out.

Different user data: When the user provides us with personal data belonging to another data subject, the user is responsible for such acts and for obtaining the respective consent of the data subject for the provision of their data.Data transfer: We will not transfer personal data to a third country outside the EEA (European Economic Area).

Rights of data subjects: data subjects can exercise their rights of access, rectification, removal and objection by sending an email or via postal service to the contact details on our reservation website and on our invoices.Supervisory authority: If a data subject considers that his or her rights are affected, he or she may also contact the competent supervisory authority of the Member State concerned.

For more information, please visit https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/law-topic/data-protection/data-protection-eu_pt

PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION POLICYRoomRaccoon respects the privacy of visitors to its website, particularly the rights related to the automated processing of personal data. Therefore, we have formulated and implemented a policy of total transparency towards our customers regarding the processing of personal data, making clear the purpose(s) of the processing and the methods available to exercise their legal rights in the best possible way.

For more information about the protection of personal data, please visit the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority. (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens): https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/Until you accept the use of cookies and other tracking devices, we will not place any non-anonymous analytical and/or tracking cookies on your computer, phone, mobile phone or tablet.

By continuing to visit this website, you agree to these terms of use and the use of cookies and other tracking systems, unless we have provided another method of accepting cookies on our website.  The currently available version of this privacy policy is the only one that applies when visiting our website until a new version replaces it. Article1 -Definitions

1. Website (hereinafter: “Website”) RoomRaccoon. Booking engine used for Conversas de Alpendre, legal name of the company Conversas de Alpendre, Alojamento Turístico SA.

2. Responsible for processing personal data (hereinafter referred to as “controller”): RoomRaccoon, with registered office at Keizerstraat 15, 4811 HL Breda, Netherlands, registration number 67848540.

Article 2 - Responsibilities

1. The controller is not responsible for failures, disruptions, difficulties or interruptions in the functioning of the website that cause (temporary) inaccessibility of the website or any of its features. The user is responsible for how they connect to our website. You must take all appropriate measures to protect your computer and data against dangers such as virus attacks on the Internet. Furthermore, you are responsible for the websites you visit and the information you seek.

2. The controller is not responsible for legal actions brought against him:1. by using the website or services accessible via Internet

2. for violating the terms of this privacy policy3. The controller is not responsible for any damage that occurs to you, third parties or your equipment because of your connection to or use of the website and the user will refrain from any subsequent (legal) action against the controller.

4. If the controller becomes involved in a dispute due to your use of this website, the controller has the right to claim all subsequent damages

Article 3 - Data collection1. Your personal data will be collected by RoomRaccoon and one or more external processors.

2. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). 3. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

4. The personal data collected on the website are mainly used by the controller to maintain a (commercial) relationship with you and, where appropriate, to process your orders. They are recorded in an (electronic) register.

Article 4 – Your information rights1. Pursuant to article 13(2)(b) of the GDPR, each person has the right to information, access, rectification, erasure and restriction of the processing of their personal data, as well as the right to object to processing and the right to data portability.

2. You can exercise these rights by contacting us at [email protected]. 3. Each request must be accompanied by a copy of a valid identity document, with your signature and indicating the address at which you can be contacted.

4. You will receive our response within one month of submitting your request. 5. Depending on the complexity and number of requests, this period may be extended up to two months.

Article 5 - Data conservationThe data collected is used and retained for the period determined by law.

Article 6 – Applicable lawThese terms and conditions are governed by Dutch law. The court of the district in which the controller has its registered office has exclusive jurisdiction in the event of any dispute relating to these terms and conditions, unless a legal exception applies.

This privacy statement applies from Monday, October 11, 2021, until further notice