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Our garden is a true green treasure, where we grow a variety of herbs, vegetables and fresh fruits. With a commitment to sustainability and healthy eating, the garden is carefully maintained by our team. By exploring the vegetable garden, our guests have the opportunity to connect with nature and appreciate the origins of the food served on our plates. From aromatic herbs like basil and parsley, to juicy tomatoes and crunchy cucumbers, each ingredient is harvested at the right time to ensure maximum flavor and quality.
We believe the vegetable garden is an extension of our commitment to offering a holistic experience to our guests. By enjoying meals prepared with ingredients harvested directly from the earth, guests can savor the purity of the food, in addition to contributing to the preservation of the environment. We invite you to explore our vegetable garden, breathe in the fresh air and marvel at the beauty and diversity it offers. Discover the pleasure of healthy and sustainable eating during your stay at our hotel.