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Harvesting carobs on our hotel grounds is a tradition that dates back to ancient times, rooted in local culture. Carobs, also known as "black gold", are delicious and versatile fruits that grow on the carob trees that adorn our space. Each season, when the carobs are ripe and ready to be harvested, we invite our guests to participate in this unique experience. Equipped with suitable baskets and tools, they have the opportunity to be directly involved in harvesting these natural treasures. As we walk along the carob tree-shaded paths, guests can enjoy the beauty of the landscape and learn about the history and benefits of carob trees.
Our talented Chefs incorporate these rich, flavorful ingredients into signature dishes, offering our guests a unique and authentic dining experience. Additionally, harvesting carobs provides a deep connection with nature and a renewed appreciation for local, seasonal foods. Guests have the opportunity to experience first-hand the feeling of harvesting their own food, valuing the importance of sustainable agriculture and conscious consumption. We invite you to join us in collecting carobs, delving into the history and flavors of the region. Discover the magic of this ancient tradition and enjoy the nutritious and delicious benefits that carobs have to offer during your stay at our hotel.